
How to Recycle Bottle Caps for Hair Bow Centers and Scrapbooking

This week on the Bowdabra Blog it all about creating “Bows and Crafts For Less“! I love finding a way to turn something Bottle Capsinexpensive or even trash into something exquisite and expensive looking. I have been transforming bottle caps into little pieces of art for several years and I have learned a few tips along the way. First and foremost the best bottle caps are the twist kind! If you need a bottle opener to open it, it is no good, you have already misshaped the bottle cap. Truly the best bottle caps to recycle I have found are from a company called Izze. They make flavored water their bottles are gorgeous and their twist turn bottle caps are white with a little flower on top. These bottle caps are perfect for painting and creating with.

To recycle the bottle caps first spray paint them. I use an anti-rust, fast drying, smooth finish paint.

Next, print pictures the size of the bottle cap fronts. I am using some small pictures of flowers that my husband and I photographed while on vacation for our 10 year anniversary. It is always nice when pictures can have special meaning!

Using Mod Podge add a thin layer to the top of the bottle cap and then brush them onto photographs, as well.

Lastly, add a final clear coat, clear glaze, or varnish to give the bottle caps a nice shiny finish.

Check back tomorrow to see what I create with my recycled bottle caps. I am thinking a hair bow and a scrapbooking page would be perfect for these bottle caps! Have you visited our Bowdabra Ribbons Crafts and Things Store? We have both Hair Bow Ribbons and Scrapbooking Ribbons!

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