
Scrap Fleece Dog Toys – Great Kids Craft

Recycle small strips of scrap fleece to make dog toys using the Bowdabra. Great craft for kids to make for their own pets!fleecedogtoys-1-300x225

Crafters 4 Kids (, a non-profit children’s site designed a step-by-step tutorial on how to make these really fun dog toys using our Bowdabra products. The tutorial gives detailed step-by-step pictures on how to create a large fleece dog toy using the Bowdabra and how to design a small fleece dog toy using the Mini Bowdabra.

Sarah Forhan, Bowdabra’s Head Designer, visited with a Girl Scout -Brownie Troop to make help the girls make fleece dog toys. The fleece dog toys were then donated to a local animal shelter.

Creating on the floor is always so much fun. Lots of room to spread out and really get-to-crafting! The girls really enjoyed deciding their color pattern and making each dog fleece toy unique and special. They also loved using the Bowdabra! They felt so special to each have their own Bowdabra to create the toys with.

Lots of talking and enthusiasm about how much the little doggies were going to love their new presents!

So much excitement at the end when their fleece dog toys were done and ready to be donated to the animal shelter!

  • For more Crafters 4 Kids – Pet Projects click here.
  • For more Bowdabra – Bows and Crafts for Less Projects click here.
  • Additional Bowdabra – Dog Craft Projects click here.

Never leave dog unattended when playing with a homemade toy, or wearing a homemade dog collar bow, or dog hair bow.

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