
Halloween Treat Bag Craft Tutorial

Make a pumpkin treat bag that children can either use for trick-or-treating or bring their treats home from a classroom party. Pumpkin CraftsCreate the pumpkin bag easily with craft foam and large pipe cleaners.

Reuse pumpkin treat bag as a door handle decoration for Halloween décor!


Ӣ2 Sheets of Orange Foam
Ӣ Black Foam
Ӣ 2 Giant Green Pipe Cleaners
Ӣ Brads
Ӣ Glue Dots
Ӣ Scissors
Ӣ Hole Puncher

1. Begin by cutting two orange foam pieces into a pumpkin shape, however, curve down at the top.

2. Cut black pieces of foam for the pumpkin’s face. Attach the foam pieces to one of the orange pumpkin shapes using Glue Dots.

3. Place both pieces of orange foam together and hole punch along the sides. Place brads through the holes, except for the very top holes.

4. Curl a giant green pipe cleaner around a pencil. Pull the pipe cleaner slightly to loosen ringlets. Attach the ends of the giant pipe cleaner to the top two holes for the bag’s handle. Twirl another pipe cleaner around a pencil, leave the ringlets tight and twist them around the bags handle.

5. Use the pumpkin bag for trick-or-treating, as a gift bag, or as a door handle decoration.


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