
What to do with scrap ribbon?

As a lover of ribbon – I have a huge collection of ribbons. I have ribbons in bins, on racks, and I use ribbon rings. Ribbon Rings are a wonderful way to catalog and coordinate ribbon. Cut a piece of ribbon from a large spool and then hang it on a ribbon tag. Find matching ribbons and coordinate colors quickly with this method.

My question is what to do with the pieces of scrap ribbon? Those pesky little scrap ribbons that you don’t want to throw away but you are not sure exactly what to do with. You know in your heart of hearts that you will use the ribbon at some point, but what to do with it in the meantime? I have started using thin dowels to roll the ribbon and save them as little bobbins. The little bobbins store nicely or if I just want to leave them on the dowels as little ribbon shish kabobs, you can!

To begin wrapping the ribbon just hold it tightly around the dowel and wrap. When you are finished rolling it, hold it in place with tape. Continue adding scrap ribbon to the dowel. I found it easier to leave ALL the ribbon on the dowel when wrapping versus removing it every time. I used the edge of the last wrapped ribbon to keep my newly wrapped ribbon evenly wrapped.

When the dowel is filled either leave the ribbon on it to store it or easily slide the ribbon bobbins from the dowel.

Rolling ribbon into bobbins is a quick way to store scrap ribbon. When you are ready to use the ribbon just remove the tape and unwind.


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