
Kids Craft: Summer Fashions Cuffs

Design trendy summer fashion cuffs this summer with your children. Kids will be thrilled to make and wear these easy to assemble fashion cuff bracelets. Using felt and ribbon the fashion cuffs come to together in just a few simple steps. Best of all kids can personalized their fashion cuffs to fit their style.

Materials Needed:

Ӣ Felties (soft brand of felt)
Ӣ Summer Bobbin Ribbon
Ӣ Hole Puncher
Ӣ Glue Dots or Tacky Glue
Ӣ Scissors
Ӣ (optional) Pre-Cut Adhesive Backed Felt


1. Begin by gathering all of your materials. We chose three bright colors of Felties but kids can choose any color combination.

Summer Fashion Cuffs


2. Cut a felt strip 1.25” by 9”. Bend the strip into a bracelet cuff shape and hole punch on each side.

Summer Fashion Cuffs


3. Run a ribbon through both holes and tie to hold the cuff shape. (Optional): Seal the ends of the ribbon with clear nail polish to prevent fraying.

Summer Fashion Cuffs


4. Decorate the front of the cuff. We used green and pink felt and formed a watermelon shape. We also added sequins on the top. Hold your design in place with either Glue Dots or tacky glue.

Summer Fashion Cuffs


5. Alternative: Instead of cutting and gluing felt pieces on, use pre-cut adhesive backed felt. We stacked pre-cut flowers onto each other to create a pretty centerpiece for the cuff.

Summer Fashion Cuffs


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