
Review and Giveaway of the Sharp Crochet Hook

Do you love to crochet? I really enjoy crocheting and was excited when Jessica of The Sharp Crochet Hook asked me to review her product. Instead of the normal rounded end crochet hook the Sharp Crochet Hook has a piercing point at the end to crochet through blankets, socks, gloves, paper, and “so much more”. Instantly when I saw the crochet hook I knew that I wanted to experiment with adding crocheted edging to different types of ribbon. I thought a Bowdabra Bow with ribbon and crochet thread would be adorable!

This week on the Bowdabra Blog we are focusing on crafts for Christmas in July. I can foresee myself working over the next several months getting ready for Christmas-time and adding little crocheted edges to my Bowdabra Bows!

The Sharp Crochet Hook is a hook with a piercing point and included with the hook is a crochet edging handbook. The crochet edging handbook has 15 edging patterns arranged from easy to advanced.

Sharp Crochet Hook

Crochet Edging Handbook










After familiarizing myself with the product I cut 3 samples of ribbon: grosgrain, satin, and sheer. I sealed all the edges of the ribbon with a lighter to prevent fraying. *This part is really important because if the ribbon frays the crocheted edge will come undone. If you prefer not to use a lighter you can use clear nail polish or a burning tool.

I first began with a sample of large width grosgrain ribbon. I crocheted a single chain along the edge of the ribbon about every 1/4 inch. I was surprised how easily I was able to pierce the grosgrain ribbon. I noticed I had some slight discoloration on the ribbon from the piercing and also a little puckering at the opposite side. However, it work way better than I expected and I was pretty happy with the over all results.

Grosgrain Ribbon Sample


After doing a single chain I went back single chained 2, skipped 1, and double chained. At this point I was using it as a normal crochet hook and no longer piercing. I didn’t have any issues crocheting with it.

Grosgrain Ribbon Sample


I was having so much fun I decided to put one more row on!

Grosgrain Ribbon Sample


Next, I was dying to try satin ribbon. Would it work? Turns out satin ribbon was amazing to crochet on! I started with a sample of 7/8″ satin ribbon and crocheted a single chain. I ended with two slight pull marks (look like creases). When piercing the ribbon you have to be really careful that it pierces all the way through and that you don’t snag little fibers of the ribbon. I was okay with two slight pull marks for my first time. I guessing with a little more practice I can added crocheted edging to satin ribbon without an issue.


Satin Ribbon Sample


I then crocheted another row of single chained 2, skipped 1, and double chained. Here is a picture of the back of the ribbon. I was loved how nice the back of the ribbon looked, as well!

Satin Ribbon Sample


Lastly, I tried sheer ribbon. I didn’t have high expectations for the sheer. The sheer did have a lot of pulling but I loved the combination of the sheer and crochet thread. The pulling is not really the fault of the tool or the ribbon – sheer ribbon is just very fragile.

Sheer Ribbon Sample


Would you like to win one of these nifty Sharp
Crochet Hooks for yourself?

To enter our giveaway please leave a comment below. One lucky winner will be chosen completely at random from the comment entries. The giveaway starts Tuesday 7/10/12 and ends Saturday 7/14/2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. Winner will be announced on the Bowdabra Blog on Sunday 7/15/2012. Winner will be contacted by email by The Sharp Crochet Hook and The Sharp Crochet Hook will mail your package directly to you.

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