
Pet Toy: DIY Ribbon Cat Toy

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy

Do you find yourself looking at all the cat toys whenever you are in the store? We are always drawn toward the cat aisle and tempted to purchase new toys for our 3 cats. When we do buy a new toy, our 3 cats have it torn apart within a week. They love playing and we love playing with them. Emily, my 13 year old, decided to help me come up with a ribbon cat toy. She was the mastermind behind this one and put the entire thing together. She was excited to use the staple gun on her own!

This was a 10 minute project and didn’t cost us anything. We used an extra yard stick, scraps of ribbons and feathers that had fallen off their other toys. We did not color the yard stick because we didn’t want the cats to get paint chips in their mouth. Click here to see the Pet Craft: DIY Cat Snack Jar, too!



Materials Needed:

Ӣ Yard stick or ruler
Ӣ Staple gun or low temp glue gun
”¢ Bowdabra ® Bow Wire
Ӣ Bobbin Grosgrain
Ӣ Grosgrain ribbon
Ӣ Satin ribbon
Ӣ Meow, Puppy Love and So Sweet ribbons
Ӣ Feathers



1. Gather your supplies. The ribbons, feathers and Bowdabra Bow Wire were all various lengths from our ribbon box. Some where 6″ and other pieces were 16″.

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy


2. Use a staple gun or low temp glue gun to add the ribbon to the yard stick. Emily picked colors that she thought would work best. Since it is a pet toys she used pet patterned ribbons.

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy


3. Aslan was on the table helping Emily put the toy together.

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy


4. Play time for Baby Popcorn! The toy worked great low on the ground and high in the air.

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy

DIY Ribbon Cat Toy


DIY Ribbon Cat Toy


Do you make hair bows for your pets? If so, you can get more ideas from the Hair Bow Making CD. It has an entire chapter for making pet bows.