
Christmas Home Decor: Ornament Wreath with Bowdabra Bow

It never fails, each year I have lots of extra ornaments that will not fit on my tree. Use the extra ornaments, especially the largeOrnament Wreath circular ones to make a Christmas Wreath. For this tutorial, I used very large ornaments and a wire wreath form. However, you can layer several rows of smaller ornaments and even use a coat hanger, reshaped into a circle to make the wreath.

Materials Needed:
Bowdabra ®
Bowdabra ® Bow Wire
12” Wire Wreath Form or Wire Coat Hanger Reshaped
Large Ornaments
Wire Ribbon
Pipe Cleaners or Jewelry Wire
Floral Picks


1. Begin by using a 12” wire wreath form or reshape a wire coat hanger.


2. Attach large ornaments to the center of the wreath. Place an ornament into wreath hook side down. Run a pipe cleaner through the ornament and then wrap it around the wreath. Trim away extra pipe cleaner. If you would like something stronger jewelry wire would work, as well. Continue adding ornaments onto the wreath. Keep the ornaments close together. Leave a large enough opening on the wreath form to attach a large bow.


3. To make the bow for the wreath: Cut a 24” piece of Bowdabra Bow Wire and fold it in half. Lay it into the Bowdabra. You’ll have a loop at one end and two loose pieces at the opposite end.


4. Cut two pieces of ribbon to make bow tails. Dove-tail the ends of ribbon by folding your ribbon in half and cutting at a 45 degree angle.


5. Lay ribbon into the Bowdabra. Decide how big you want your loops. To make your first loop, fold and press into the Bowdabra.


6. Continue folding the ribbon back and forth until you have created as many loops as you desire.


7. Lay another ribbon into the Bowdabra. Decide how big you want your loops. To make your first loop, fold and press into the Bowdabra.


8. Continue folding the ribbon back and forth until you have created as many loops as you desire.


9. Insert floral picks one on top of the other facing opposite directions.


10. Scrunch ribbon down with the Bowdabra Wand.


11. While the bow is still in the Bowdabra, thread the two loose ends of the Bowdabra Bow Wire through the loop at the other end.


12. Pull the Bowdabra Bow Wire tightly while the bow is still in the Bowdabra.


13. Gently pull the bow out of the Bowdabra. Separate the two loose ends of the Bowdabra Bow Wire and bring them around to the back of the bow. To tie off the bow, pinch the Bowdabra Bow Wire securely against the bow. Twist the bow 4 to 6 times in a clockwise direction.


14. Fluff bow.


15. Tie the bow onto the wreath form and then use the extra Bowdabra Bow Wire as a hanger for the wreath.

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