
Tips for Organizing Craft Supplies: Label, Label, Label

One of the best tips for organizing craft supplies is to label your craft materials. I would be lost without my label maker. I have so many little craft supplies if I did not sort them and label them I would spend half my day looking for my craft project materials, instead of crafting.

I choose to label my craft materials for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, it drives me absolutely crazy when I can’t find what I am looking for. Do you know that feeling? You have almost completed a craft project and it just needs that final touch; a piece of ribbon, a charm, a simple little silk flower and it is no where to be found. Or you need a craft tool to complete your crafty creation and you have absolutely no idea where you set it down last. That sort of thing drives me bonkers!

Secondly, I hate to spend money on something I know I already have and can’t find. How often to you buy craft duplicates? You buy a craft item at the end of the season on clearance only to spend full price the next year because you forgot you had it. So I sort and label by craft material and by season.

Third, I am more creative when I am organized! I love to be in my craft room when everything is neatly grouped together and in order. Ever try being creative in a hurricane of craft supplies? In an effort to meet deadlines – I have – and I start to feel overwhelmed and very unproductive. For me, organization is key to my inspiration!

Lastly, I enjoy crafting with friends and family and inviting them into my craft space. Organization and labeling is key for everyone to have a fun time crafting.

I love my label maker I found it a garage sale and have been using it for years. However, if you don’t want to invest in a label maker cardstock and tape work just, as well. You could even use different colored cardstock to note different seasons or crafting materials.


We invite you to visit the Bowdabra Blog, all week, for more great tips for organizing your craft supplies.

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