
Dinner easy – Green Pea Salad with Bacon

Green pea salad recipe card

When you’re tired of the same old potato or macaroni salad and want something a bit different, just wait till you try this recipe for Green pea salad with bacon. The smoky bacon flavor accentuates the sweetness of the peas and the best part it that there is no cooking involved.

I like to fix the bacon in the microwave. The peas, well you simply pop them out of the freezer and run then under some cold water to thaw. I’m not exaggerating when I say that you can whip up this pea salad in minutes and then dash out the door to a potluck or picnic.

And it’s a super easy way to get kids to eat veggies that they wouldn’t normally touch with a ten-foot pole!

Every time I’ve fixed this recipe the bowl ends up empty and people are asking for more! It’s so simple, yet so, so good.

You can even substitute turkey bacon if that is your preference.

Peas, a misunderstood vegetable then again is it any wonder when there poems like this one:

I eat my peas with honey

I’ve done it all my life

It makes the peas taste funny

But it keeps them on the knife

~ Anonymous

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