
How to make a stunning tree topper bow video

How to make a stunning tree topper bow

Follow along as Bowdabra creator Sandy Sandler shows you how to make a stunning tree topper bow in this quick and easy video tutorial. You will be sure to amaze your friends and family when they see the beauty of this large and stunning  tree topper bow.  And since ribbon that includes wire is so easy to shape,  you will enjoy this stunning tree topper bow for years to come!

Since I get lots of emails asking me how to make a stunning tree topper bow, or how to make a big bow for a big present, and  I’m going to show you how to do that right now.

Stunning tree topper bow

I’m going to take my Bowdabra bow wire and fold it in half. And I like this bow because it’s very elegant. I’m going to start. I’ve got here about a yard of fabric. Now, you can make this however long you want. If you want it to wrap all the way around your tree, you just need to make it long enough. I’m going to dovetail the ribbon. To dovetail you just fold it and then cut towards the fold. So that’s how–I dovetail the ends and that gives you ends that look like this.

So I’m folding it in half, and I’m just going to kind of scrunch it down into my Bowdabra. Next, I’m just going to leave the tails off to the side. Then I’m going to take about four yards of this five-inch wide ribbon. It’s nice because it’s the same on both sides.

So now all I’m going to do is just scrunch it in and then fold it and make big loops. It is wired ribbon, so it will hold its shape. So I just continue, and on each one I just fold it back and forth. Then I hold it here and put my last piece in. Now I’m going to take my Bowdabra wand and I’m just going to scrunch it down into the Bowdabra to push my ribbon down. Then I’m going to take this really elegant, pretty pick and put that down into the Bowdabra. Now I take my wire and bring that through to make the slipknot. Hold it down.

Finishing your bow

Pull it very tightly so that it’s really tight when I pull it out of the Bowdabra. Next I’ll move the Bowdabra, take my ends and bring them around to the back. Tie a knot here. Then, I’m just going to shape. The really nice thing, with a bow like this, if you’re going to use it for your Christmas tree topper, you can keep it and use it every year because it’s a wired ribbon. So just fluff it and you have an absolutely gorgeous bow that only takes minutes to make.

You can find Bowdabra products and more at most craft stores and discount department stores or online!

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