
Super party favor idea – Video how to make a shoelace hair bow

Need another quick party favor for a girl’s birthday party? Having a party sleepover? Watch and follow along with this easy video to make a colorful shoelace hair bow for everyone at the party! It’s so quick and easy and you can vary the colors of the shoelaces to fit the theme or favorite colors.

Put a shoelace hair bow in each party bag or each guest can make one right at the party for a fun party activity.

shoelace hair bow

Shoelace hair bow video tutorial



  1. Start by cutting the bow wire 12 – 18 inches, fold in half and insert into the Bowdabra. You will have a loop on one side and two loose wires on the other. Then, tuck the wires under to keep it out of the way while you make your bow.
  2. To begin, start with one color shoelace and insert into the Bowdabra leaving a tail at the 2-inch mark.
  3. Using the second shoelace, repeat on the other side.
  4. Then, you alternate back and forth, folding a loop to the 1 ½” mark.
  5. This is a fairly thick bow so you may have to use the Bowdabra wand a few times to keep it down. Keep making loops alternating shoelaces until you reach the end. Finish with a small tail from each lace.
  6. Scrunch down with the Bowdabra wand one last time. Then, take the two loose wires and insert them through the loop to make as slipknot. Pull tight while the bow is in the Bowdabra.
  7. Finally, separate the wires, bring them around to the back and tie a knot. Repeat with a second knot. To finish, fluff up the bow and clip of the excess wire. Then, attach the shoelace hair bow to the elastic or hair clip.

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