
How to make vibrant, Bowdabra crepe paper flowers

Cinco De Mayo is almost here and in the spirit of celebrating this wonderful event and fiesta, I’m showing you how to make colorful crepe paper flowers! Do you know that you can make these beauties using a Bowdabra? How cool is that? These flowers are perfect for Cinco De Mayo, although they are perfect any time of the year. And you won’t believe how easy they are to make! Here’s how –

Crepe paper flowers

Bowdabra crepe paper flowers

Bowdabra Bow Wire & Wand
• Assorted Crepe Paper 20″x8′
• Ruler
• Scissors
• Twisted Paper Stem Wire
• Floral Tape
• Glue Dots

First, lets begin by cutting the 20-inch crepe paper into 10″x12″ pieces, stacking them on top of each other by coordinating colors like dark to light or light to dark.

Next, cut a 24″ piece of Bowdabra wire, fold in half and place in the Bowdabra, tucking ends under.

Next, insert the crepe paper stack into the Bowdabra along the natural horizontal lines of the paper, pushing down accordion style.

Use the Bowdabra wand to scrunch the crepe paper down as close together as possible.

While the crepe papers are still in the Bowdabra, thread the two loose ends of the bow wire through the loop at the other end, pulling tightly.

Gently remove the flower from the Bowdabra, separating the wire ends around to the back and tying into a tight double knot.

Begin by separating the crepe paper layers, starting with the top layer on one side, gently toward the center, being careful not to tear.

Finishing your flower

Now, fluff and curl the edges with your fingers as you separate the layers.

Repeat for the other side. Next, add glue dots to the last couple of layer edges to connect the sides of the flower.

To add a stem, bend the end of a twisted paper stem wire and tie the bow wire on at the curve, wrapping the bow wire around the stem.

Now, stretch a piece of floral tape to activate the adhesive.  Then, wrap around the stem wire for a finish decorative look.

Once you know how to make this adorable flower, the possibilities are almost unlimited with what you can do with them! Perfect in a vase or make lots for a wreath or wall backdrop.  They are just the right touch to liven up your décor and party settings for Cinco De Mayo!  But don’t stop here. They are especially nice for Birthdays and other events as well!

Visit Bowdabra Designer Gail at her blog Purple Hues and Me, Facebook, and Pinterest for more of her awesome craft tutorials!

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