
5 Easy ways to prepare your ribbon ends

Bowdabra is a great source of bow making tutorials and how-to videos.  But before you make that amazing bow you might want to prepare your ribbon.  So here we list the easy ways to prepare your ribbon ends before you make your one of a kind Bowdabra creation.

Easy way to prepared ribbon ends

5 easy ways to prepare your ribbon ends

  1. Make easy dovetails. What is a dovetail you may ask?  The dictionary says that a dovetail is so called by its resemblance to that shape of a birds tail feather.  On ribbon ends, you easily create a dovetail by folding the ribbon in half lengthwise. Then, cut from the fold at a right angle towards the open end.  When you unfold it you will have the perfect dovetail.

  1. For the opposite style end, a V shape, you fold the ribbon in half as you did in step one except this time you cut towards the left to the open end. When you unfold the ribbon you will have a perfect V-shape end. Easy!

  1. To make some bows that resemble flowers you will need to make petal shapes on the ends of your ribbon. You can easily accomplish this by folding in half lengthwise. Then cut an elongated curved shape towards the fold.  Unfold and you will have a petal end.

  1. Of course for the last ribbon end is a simple cut across for a straight edge.

Seal ends to prevent fraying

  1. And last but not least it is always a good idea to seal the ends of the ribbon so that they do not fray. The easiest way to do this is with a lighter one uses to light a grill.  You simply run the flame through the ends quickly to seal. Grill lighters are readily available all over, from grocery to department stores.  You can also use a hot wire cutter if you have one available. If you choose you might even use clear nail polish on the edges and let dry.


I hope you found this ribbon prep tutorial useful.  Now, while you are at it why not peruse through the hundreds of Bowdabra blog videos and DIY’s and make some bow magic of your own?

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