
Video how to make an amazing St. Patrick’s Day Fedora hat

Everything will soon be coming up green.  Update your St. Patrick’s Day wardrobe with this adorable St. Patrick’s Day Fedora hat. It is as simple as one, two, three, with the Mini Bowdabra.  And how sweet is this hat?

On St. Patrick’s Day everyone is Irish.  And this adorable fedora hat is sure to be a hit!

St. Patrick's Day fedora

St. Patrick’s Day Fedora Hat


Mini Bowdabra

18” Gold Bowdabra Wire

2.5” x 6.5” Gold Wired Ribbon

1.5” x 5.5” Bowdabra Green Wired Mesh

1.5” x 19” Bowdabra Black and White Checkered houndstooth Ribbon

Bowdabra Green Sheer and Satin Flowers

1” x 24” Bowdabra Gold Rhinestone Mesh

Green Fedora Hat

Now we’re going to make this adorable St. Patrick’s Day fedora hat.

So, I’m going to start with our fedora hat, and I’m going to take some of my Bowdabra mesh ribbon, and we’ve just cut it from eight rows across to five rows. So, I’m going to start with just gluing it. I’ve already got the glue on here, so I’m just going to glue this to the back of the hat, and I’m just going to bring it around. Then, I just seal it on the back. So, you have this cute little mesh going around your hat. I’m going to put the hat aside.

Next, I’m going to grab my Mini Bowdabra, take my Bowdabra Bow Wire. I’ve folded it in half. I’m just going to lay it into my Mini and just tuck the ends underneath so it says out of the way. Then, I’m going to take these pieces that I’ve already dovetailed, I’m going to fold them in half and just scrunch them down into my Mini Bowdabra. (And just in case you don’t know how to dovetail, what you do is fold your ribbon in half, and then you’re going to cut at a diagonal from the corners towards the fold.  And that gives you these great little dovetailed ends.)

So again, let’s just fold this in half to find the center. And I’m just going to scrunch this down into my Mini Bowdabra. And I’m going to do the same thing here. I’m going to fold it in half and then just scrunch this down into my Mini Bowdabra.

Add the wire mesh and Houndstooth ribbon

Then, I have this piece of our great Bowdabra wired mesh. And again, I’m just going to fold it in half and just going to place this down into my Mini Bowdabra. Then I’ll take my wand, and let’s just scrunch everything down. And then I have this cute little Houndstooth pattern Bowdabra ribbon. Next, I’m going to fold it in half and I’m going to take the middle of it, and I’m going to put the right side of my ribbon down.

And then, I’m going to just fold this over.  The right side of the ribbon is going to go down into my Bowdabra. I’m going to make an X. Bring this ribbon so the right side of the ribbon is up here.  Then, the right side of the ribbon is going to go down like an X into my Bowdabra. So now, here’s my X. I’m going to take the bottom and I’m just going to scrunch that down in here. And push in the top, and scrunch that down. So, you have these cute four little loops.

Scrunch everything down

Next, I’m going to just take my wand to just push everything down in here one more time.  Now, I have this adorable little sage, its sort of a sheer satin with a rhinestone center. We do have kits for this product, so all you have to do is order the kit. I’m just going to fold this over and fold this again just to get that out of my way. And let’s just move that.

And then just scrunch that down into my Mini Bowdabra. For good measure, push it down one more time with the wand. Then I’m going to take my wire, and the reason I folded it in half is now I have my slipknot. So, I’m just going to hold everything down really tight. I’m going to pull it out, separate the ends and bring them around to the back. I’m going to tie a knot, and I’m going to knot it again.

Finishing your fedora

To finish, I’m just going to shape and bring this, my roses out to the front, bring my two loops, or my black and white Houndstooth loops around here. And I’m just going to hide the ends of the stem for the roses behind there, shape it all out, bring my hat back. Then, I’m just going to go to the side over here. And I’m using a glue dot for demonstration, and I’m also going to just cut the ends off here, but I would do something like Liquisilk or some sort of glue, hot glue, to glue this on. I’m just going to push this right here. And you have this adorable fedora hat for any St. Patrick’s Day event.


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