
How to make a super easy cheer bow ponytail holder

You can learn how to make this adorable cheer bow ponytail holder in this quick easy to follow video DIY. Watch as Bowdabra creator, Sandy Sandler shows you the easy steps.  Before you know it you will be making a cheer bow ponytail holder for everyone you know!

cheer bow ponytail holder

Cheer bow ponytail holder


Now, we’re going to make this really cute cheer bow ponytail holder

So, I’m going to start by taking my Mini Bowdabra, my Bowdabra Bow Wire. I’ve folded my Bowdabra Bow Wire in half, and I’m going to just lie this down into my Mini Bowdabra. I tuck the ends underneath just so they stay out of my way.

Dovetail the ends

So, I’ve already precut and pre-dovetailed my tails. (To dovetail, all you do is fold your ribbon in half, and then basically you just cut from the corner inside to the fold. And then that’s what gives you these pretty dovetails.)

Now, what I’m going to do is just fold my ribbon in half so I have the center. I have my sheer on top of the sparkly. I’m going to put a little mountain-up and scrunch that into my Bowdabra. Then, I’m going to do exactly the same thing. And I’m taking these, then I’m going to put them upside-down. I’m going to do my little mountain-up and just push that down into the Bowdabra.

And you’ll notice it’s tight. That’s because there are springs underneath here and that’s what’s holding everything in place. So that I don’t have any excess ribbon, I’m going to fold this around and I’m going to keep this here. These are the same length, so I just want to make sure. And I’m going to do a little mountain-up again and just scrunch that down.

Find the center

Next, I’m going to find my center. Then I’m going to just do my mountain-up here. Now if you have the Bowdabra hairbow tool and ruler, you can measure exactly, but I want to show you how to do this if you don’t. Then, I’m going to just scrunch this down. I’m going to take my Bowdabra Wire. The reason I folded it in half is now I have a slipknot. So, I’m going to pull it tight while it’s still in the Mini Bowdabra. I pull it out, separate the ends, bring them around to the back.

Add the ponytail holder

I forgot a ponytail holder, but I’m going to tie this with my wire onto a ponytail holder. Normally, this would be clipped and all I would have here is the ponytail holder.

Shaping and finishing the cheer bow ponytail holder

To finish I’m just going to kind of shape my bow by pulling this apart. And we’ll bring these down here. Finally, I’m going to take an adhesive glue dot, because I don’t want the wire to show. I’m going to just put it right here and take my beautiful Bowdabra Rhinestone Mesh. I just cut three rows of the rhinestone. I Bring it around here, glue dot that there. And you have this adorable little Cheer bow ponytail holder.


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