
How to make an elegant event centerpiece

Do you have a wedding or some other elegant event coming up soon?  If so you may be looking for ways to add décor to the tables.  You can quickly make this elegant event centerpiece in as many amounts in literally minutes.  Sandy Sandler, the creator of the Bowdabra shows you the quick and easy steps.

elegant event centerpiece

Wedding or elegant event centerpiece

  • Bowdabra
  • Bowdabra Bow Wire
  • (2) Platinum Mesh 28” x 20”
  • (2) 1 yd. x 2.5” Silver Ribbon
  • (3) Catherine’s Collection Picks
  • (3) Silver Ribbon 2.5” x 22.5”
  • Ornaments

“Hi, I’m Sandy Sandler, the creator of the Bowdabra Bow Maker. Today, I’m going to show you how to make this super simple wedding centerpiece or elegant event centerpiece. So, let’s get started.”

First, I’m going to do is take my Bowdabra Bow Wire which I’ve folded it in half. I’m going to just lay it down into the Bowdabra and tuck the ends underneath.

Make the bow

Now, I’ve already dovetailed all of these pieces we’re going to use but let me just show you how I dovetail. So, I’m going to fold my ribbon in half, and you’re just going to cut at an angle from the fold to the corner, and that gives you really nice finished ends.

So, I’m going to get started by taking the piece of my platinum mesh, and I’m just going to scrunch that down into my Bowdabra. And then, I’m going to take these tails that I’ve already dovetailed the ends, and we’re just going to lay these in. So, this is just super, super simple to do.

Add the picks

Next, I’m going to take another piece of my platinum mesh and just scrunch that into my Bowdabra. Now, I have these beautiful Catherine’s Collection picks and we’re just going to lay these going in opposite directions. And then, I have these tails. I’m just going to lay this in here, and lay this one in here, and I’ve already dovetailed the ends. Lay that in. And then, take one more of my Catherine’s Collection picks and lay this in here.

And then, I’m going to take this piece of ribbon and we’re going to make a regular old-fashioned bow. So, I want the wrong side of the ribbon on the inside of my loops. So, I’m just going to fold it and twist and fold and twist. Really, super, super simple. So, this is, you can follow this in any colors using any picks you like for any event. I think this makes a beautiful winter wedding centerpiece or for an elegant affair.

Now, I have these that were leftover from the holidays, and they just add a little bit of sparkle and pizzazz to my centerpiece. Then, I’ll take my Bowdabra wand and just scrunch everything into my Bowdabra.

Finishing your centerpiece

And then now, the reason that I folded my Bowdabra Bow Wire in half, to begin with, is now I have a slipknot. So, all I have to do is just pull, whoops, just pull this through the slipknot, pull it really tight while it’s still in the Bowdabra. Take it out, separate my ends and bring it around to the back. And now, all I’m going to do is just tie a knot, and double-knot it. And then, I just have to, I kind of shaped this as I was making it, but we’ll just sort of shape it a little bit here and bring my loops around and fluff this out. Now, you have this gorgeous centerpiece.

So, thanks so much for watching, and please, do me a favor and share this video, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thanks so much for watching. See you in our next video.”

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