
How to make Thank you gift bags with Bowdabra

Hi everyone, Steph Ackerman here with a quick and easy way to decorate thank you gift bags using the Bowdabra.   I found these cute little canvas pouches and thought they’d be fun to decorate and fill with little gifts or candies or even a gift card.

These gift bags will be a perfect way to thank those who have done so much during the Covid-19 virus.  Make several of these Thank you gift bags and you will be able to distribute after social distancing is just a memory.

Thank you gift bags

thank you gift bags

Mini Bowdabra
Bowdabra Bow Wire
Canvas Pouch


First, cut a piece of Bowdabra bow wire, fold it in half and place it in the Bowdabra. Tuck the extra wire underneath to stay out of the way while you work.

Add your ribbon

Next, cut a 10″ length of ribbon and scrunch it into the channel.

Pull up on the bow wire and tie off.  Once you tie it off, you will have a lovely scrunchie bow for the gift bag.

Make as many bows as you need, then decorate the canvas pouches with stencils and inks.

Fil the canvas pouches with little gifts or goodies, then glue the bows to the corners.

Using a craft pick, twirl the excess bow wire.

I’m sure the recipient will love them, don’t you?

These bags are reusable so they are great for the environment!

Thanks for stopping by.


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