
How to create a gorgeous summer time kitchen table look with Bowdabra

Since summer is finally here it is time I’d like my kitchen table to also look like summer. So, with just a few simple steps, you can create a gorgeous summertime kitchen table.  What a great time to create something new.

summertime kitchen table

How to create a gorgeous summertime kitchen table

  • Mini Bowdabra
  • Bowdabra bow wire
  • Boards in various sizes
  • Acrylic paint in choice of color
  • Burlap ribbon
  • faux flowers
  • Paper straws
  • Glue gun and glue sticks

First,  start by finding some old boards and paint them to look aged. Make sure the boards are different heights which will add interest to your finished project. Finding and painting the boards will be the longest part of the whole process.


Use Mini Bowdabra to create all the bows.  Cut a piece of Bowdabra bow wire, fold it in half, and lay it in the Bowdabra. This will be your slip knot.

Begin making the bow

After you add the first piece of burlap ribbon, add the straws to give the bow more color and dimension.  These are paper straws that I have had laying around for a long time and was so happy to be able to use them to create something beautiful.


Now, start layering and making loops in the burlap ribbon to make the bow. This burlap ribbon was so great and easy to work with.

Once you make the bow pull the wire through the loop.  Turn to the back and tie a knot. The first bow is done.

Use a  hot glue gun to attach the bow to the pieces of wood.  Instead of cutting the wire, curl it around a pencil to give a spiral look.

To finish, add a flower with some glue to each bow.  The bigger the piece of wood the bigger the bows were.


My kitchen table is all set for summertime and I love the checked tablecloth to work with the theme.  I hope you get your Bowdabra out and create something beautiful for your kitchen.

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