
How to Make the Perfect Valentine Mailbox from a Cereal Box

Give the environment a Valentine by repurposing a cereal box into the perfect Valentine Mailbox.Valentine Mailbox

Here are the supplies that you’ll need:

  • Empty cereal (or other) box
  • Hearts cut from scrap cardstock and patterned paper
  • 10″ length ½” ribbon
  • Double sided tape, liquid adhesive, or glue dots, etc.
  • Craft knife
  • Hole punch

Let’s make the Valentine Mailbox:

  1. Carefully open the box along glued seams, and turn the box inside out.
  2. Trace an opening near the top of the front panel of the mailbox. The width of the slot can vary depending on the size of your box, but ¾” is a good height.
  3. Cut out the slot with a craft knife.
  4. Punch two holes in one of the top flaps for the ribbon handle.
  5. Thread one end of the ribbon through a hole, and tie a knot on what will be the inside of the mailbox. Repeat with the other ribbon end.
  6. Decorate your Valentine mailbox. Let your imagination be your guide. I’ve glued a variety of hearts in different patterns and sizes to mine, but you could use yarn, ribbon, or fabric scraps. Or, you could use markers or crayons to draw your decorations.
  7. Reassemble the box inside out using double sided tape so your artwork is displayed.
  8. Display your Valentine mailbox and get ready to receive your Valentines.

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