
How to Make the Best Fidget Toy with a Hair Tie and Beads

Kids will have fun making their own fidget toys with only hair ties and beads. Typically, fidgets are made to be manipulated or held in the hands. They help decrease stress and anxiety and provide an outlet for anxious, restless, or nervous behaviors. In the classroom, fidgets can help children focus and improve learning.Hair Tie Fidget Toys

Supplies that you’ll need for the fidget toy:

  • Hair ties
  • Perler beads

You can watch this video, or skip to the written directions below.

Here’s how to make the hair tie fidget:

  1. If the hair tie isn’t already broken, either cut it or stretch it apart.
  2. Tie a knot in one end of the hair tie.
  3. Thread 12 to 14 perler beads on the hair tie.
  4. Tie a knot at the end.
  5. For added security, you can tie a second knot on top of the first one on each end.

Here’s how to make a hair tie fidget bracelet:

  1. Start the same way as for the simple fidget—tie a knot in one end of the hair tie and thread 10 to 12 Perler beads on the hair tie.
  2. Join two hair ties with a knot.
  3. Add 10 to 12 perler beads on the second hair tie.
  4. Knot the beginning and ending hair ties together.

Enjoy your hair tie fidget toys!!

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