
How to Make a Cute Felt Flower Back-to-School Bookmark

Get ready for school with this back-to-school bookmark. It’s made using felt scraps, hot glue, and a large paper clip.Back to School Bookmark

Let’s make the bookmark together:

  1. Print and cut out the Bookmark Flower Shapes.
  2. Trace the flower shapes on the felt scraps. You’ll have four flower shapes—one large circle, one small circle, and two petal shapes for the flower. The medium circle should be cut out of the same color as the large circle.
  3. Cut out the felt flower shapes.
  4. Stack the shapes to form a flower. The large circle goes on the bottom, then the petal shapes and the smallest circle goes on the top of the stack.
  5. Use hot glue to glue the flower layers together.
  6. Hot glue a button to the top of the flower.
  7. Hot glue a large paper clip on the back. The top of the paper clip should be just about in the center of the circle.
  8. Next, hot glue the medium circle centered on the back, covering the paper clip bookmark.
  9. Now, go find a good book and start reading!!

Be sure and visit the Bowdabra blog every Friday for another kid’s craft or art project.  Crafting with kids creates memories that last a lifetime and brings families together. These easy and fun DIY tutorials use inexpensive materials you may already have on hand.

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