
How to make the best scrunchy or ruffle bow with Bowdabra ribbon

Sandy Sandler, the creator of the Bowdabra is here to show you how easy it is to make a scrunchy or ruffle bow with Bowdabra and Bowdabra scrunchy ribbon.  This ribbon comes in three colors and makes great little bows you can use for ornaments, package decorations, and so much more.  So let’s get started!

scrunchy or ruffle bow

How to make a scrunchy or ruffle bow




First, cut a piece of Bowdabra bow wire.  Then, fold it in half and insert it into the Bowdabra.  You will have a loop on one side and two loose wires on the other side.  This will serve as your slipknot. Tuck the ends under to stay out of the way while you are making your bow.

Next, cut two pieces of gold scrunchy ribbon and one piece of silver.

Now, take a piece of the gold scrunchy ribbon and place in the Bowdabra from the top and scrunch down like an accordion. Follow by doing the same thing to the piece of silver scrunchy ribbon.  Finally, scrunch in the last piece of gold ribbon.

Then, take the Bowdabra wand and give everything a good push. insert the loose wires through the loop and pull tight while the bow is still in the Bowdabra. Then, remove the bow from the Bowdabra, separate the ends, turn to the back and tie a knot.  Tie a double knot for extra security.

If you want to use it for an ornament to hang on the tree, make a loop with the Bow wire and clip the ends. Fluff the bow out.  The more ribbon you use the fluffier your scrunchy bow will become!

Isn’t it gorgeous?  What a way to brighten up a Christmas tree or gift!!

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