
How to Make an Easy Pool Noodle Candy Cane Christmas Door Decoration

It’s never too early to make Christmas decorations!! Get started today with this easy pool noodle candy cane door decoration adorned with a fabulous Bowdabra bow.Pool Noodle Candy Cane

Gather these supplies:

  • 3 to 4 yds. 5″ white decorative mesh
  • 3 to 4 yds. 5″ red decorative mesh
  • 1 yd. ½” silver glitter ribbon
  • 24″ Bowdabra bow wire
  • 5 yds. fishing line
  • 9  to 10 yds. 1″ white satin ribbon
  • 1 red pool noodle
  • Scissors
  • Large rubber band
  • Straight pins
  • Bowdabra Bow Making & Design Tool

Let’s make the candy cane:

  1. Shape the pool noodle into a cane shape. Hold the curve in place with a large rubber band.
  2. With the rubber band in place, wrap fishing line around the cane three or four times and tie in place with a secure knot. Trim the ends of the fishing line, but not too close to the knot. Now, carefully remove the rubber band. Your candy cane will stay in shape, and the fishing line is practically invisible.
  3. Now, we’ll wrap the pool noodle with the white satin ribbon to create the stripe. Begin by securing the end of ribbon in place on the back of the candy cane with a couple straight pins.
  4. Continue to spiral the ribbon around the candy cane until you reach the end. Secure the end in place with a couple more straight pins. Set the candy cane aside for now while we make the bow.

Here’s how to make the bow:

  1. Fold the bow wire in half and put it in the Bowdabra. Tuck the ends of the wire under the Bowdabra to keep them out of the way.
  2. Begin with the white decorative mesh, and make four loops on each side of the Bowdabra pillar. Next, add the red decorative mesh, again making four loops on each side. The decorative mesh is springy, so if necessary, periodically compress the mesh loops with the Bowdabra wand.
  3. Now, cut the length of silver glitter into five spikes 6″ to 8″ long. Layer these spikes on top of the red mesh.
  4. Compress the ribbons with the wand.
  5. With the ribbons and mesh still in the Bowdabra, pass the wire ends through the loop, tighten, and tie a secure knot. Bring the wire ends to the back of the bow, and tie a second knot. Leave the wire ends untrimmed as they will be used to tie the bow to the candy cane.
  6. Fluff the bow, and arrange individual loops and spikes.
  7. Use the bow wires to tie the bow to the pool noodle candy cane.
  8. Tie a length of fishing line to the top of the candy cane curve for hanging the door decoration.
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