
Questions to Ask

Suggested Questions for Sandy Sandler, Corporate Gift Expert and Bowdabra® creator.

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What inspired you to create the Bowdabra?

Is the Bowdabra just for making bows?

How easy is the Bowdabra to use – can kids, seniors or people with limited dexterity use it?

You were initially turned down by U.S. retailers when you introduced them to the Bowdabra, yet it has become one of QVC’s top sellers? What caused this turnaround?

You recently unveiled the Mini-Bowdabra. What is the difference?

You are an independent business owner. How long did it take you to get from start up to here? What challenges did you conquer along the way?

How can families use the Bowdabra together?

Do you use the Bowdabra at home? How?

What is your advice to other entrepreneurs out there?

What are your plans for the future?

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