
How to beautifully decorate wedding gifts with a gorgeous Bowdabra bow

Hi everyone, Steph Ackerman here showing you how to decorate wedding gifts with the Bowdabra.

decorate wedding gifts


Bowdabra Bowmaker
Bow Wire
Ribbon of choice

For the first time in almost 18 months, weddings can now be held with minimal restrictions.  So why not decorate wedding gifts with a beautiful bow created with the Bowdabra?

Placing the bow wire in the Bowdabra, place the bow wire underneath while working on your bow.

Leaving a 6″ tail,  place the ribbon in the Bowdabra and start creating loops.

Twist the ribbon as you pass through the channel so the right side is always visible.
I created 5 loops on either side.

Pull up on the bow wire and tie off.

Using the same ribbon wrap it around the gift.

Use the excess bow wire to tie the bow to the wedding gift package.
Then fluff out the bow.
Cut the ribbon edges and you have a beautifully decorated package.

Thanks for stopping by.


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